Friday, May 20, 2011

Scooters for Kids - Scooter Safety Tips

When purchasing scooters for kids, not only should your choice depend on the child's interest and ability to learn, you should also consider scooter safety tips. Yes, decisions over what type of scooter one is going to purchase are parents' first concern. Typical outdoor activity equipment for kids must have safety features.

Scooters have always been popular with kids. With peer pressure, sometimes they do not think about their own safety. Most children just want what their friends have and the joy of owning semi-transport equipment.

We can do something about that. Safety is our main concern. Assess your child if he or she can handle the responsibility of having outdoor equipment. Children must understand that scooters are not to be used where there are lots of cars around or on the streets. They may use the sidewalk or the park for that matter.

Use protective gear. Have them use a sturdy helmet. It protects one from having head injuries. Have them use knee and elbow pads. They are used to avoid knee or elbow abrasions. Note that these scooter safety tips are not only applicable for scooters for kids but also for bicycle riders. This would help keep children away from harm.

Smaller kids should play within the vicinity of your home. Parents must look after children ages three to five for they have less developed motor skills. Let children play outdoors where they can't create havoc on your beautiful living room or have vases fall down because of them playing around. We can't let broken glass wound our precious kids do we?

Watch out for vehicles. When small children play on the sidewalk, a parent must keep a watchful eye over their little precious so that he will not get run over or side swept by any passing vehicle. Bigger children who use their own scooters as a transport must be advised not to cross the street without looking both ways. Playing at the park is much safer for any kid who wants to ride a scooter. Have your kids play with other kids so that they can develop good friendship ties.

Avoid gliding on steep slopes. There are houses built on steep slopes. Children must avoid using scooters where they can accelerate to an uncontrollable speed and unfortunately be placed in a perilous situation. If so, advise the kids on gently stepping on the breaks and not too abruptly if they come into this kind of situation. Gliding is fun but remind kids about voiding getting themselves in dangerous situations.

Having your own scooter is fun. How much more when your kids feel the need to have it too? Some have great handle bars and can be easily gripped. It has a steel platform where both feet can stand on and balancing on it is not a problem. Riding a scooter can even become a good exercise for them. Adhere to these scooter safety tips and gear up to keep riding scooters safe for our kids. It is better to be stay safe than regret the outcome of a dangerous situation. Scooters are quite great to have around - but you should never forget safety.


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