Sunday, April 1, 2012

Empty Spaces

As noble as Ben-Joseph?s endeavor is, one wonders if the limitations of the form are simply too daunting. The real question is: Can parking lots become great spaces as parking lots? Could they be places that people are drawn to, want to linger in, rally around, where children can play? People adapt to parking lots, fashioning public uses out of them because, primarily, they have to. (I speak from teenaged experience.) But would anyone?and the ultimate test here would be someone outside of a car?go to a parking lot by choice? To consider the Project for Public Spaces list of what does and does not represent place-making, parking lots fall overwhelmingly into the negative ledger: ?Design-driven,? ?exclusionary,? ?monolithic development,? ?overly accommodating of the car,? ?privatized,? ?one-dimensional,? and so on.

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