As a senior in highschool I had a really thrilling road to go down in my close to future: college. I had been provided a number of scholarships for both singing and the dramatic arts from a number of totally different establishments, however I had finally selected the one which was proper for me. I used to be the primary one in my close and extended household to attend school so no one in my household knew how all the financial processes labored and I began to get slightly involved once I noticed that my scholarships left a little bit of a gap that I would have problem filling if I went to high school full time. I noticed my steering counselor at college and she or he referred me to the financial aid division on the school itself. I spoke to a really helpful woman there and she or he defined that I would need to fill out a FASFA kind and ship it in. I sent it in and received it again with a full description of all the help I used to be being given. It included my scholarships as well, and took into my account that my dad and mom would not be able to contribute to my school funding. When I seemed I used to be relieved to see that there was sufficient aid there to cover all of my school bills together with food, books, tuition and lodging.
As I read down the long list of items, I noticed scholarships, grants and on the backside, two small loans. I asked my financial aid rep about them and she or he knowledgeable that they were scholar loans. These loans had a low interest rate of 3.5% that might not start being added until after I graduated. I additionally would not have to start paying them again until sixth months after I graduated, to present me time to discover a job. If I had hassle finding a job or were to turn out to be unemployed, I could decide to place my loans on hold or forbearance for a year or until I discovered a job. I used to be slightly apprehensive, however I decided to chunk the bullet and signal the required forms to get my financial aid finalized so I could register for my first semester. I needed to fill out my FAFSA yearly to re-apply and I needed to take out new scholar loans each year. When I graduated I used to be in a position to consolidate all the loans into one giant mortgage with a low interest rate. My funds were fairly low and I could pay them on line, which made it really easy. I did have some occasions where I needed to put the loans on consolidation, however that just involved filling out slightly paperwork and sending it in. Total, my financial aid expertise was a great one, and I used to be grateful for the scholarships, grants and even the loans. The loans were drawn up in equivalent to approach that the interest rates were low and the funds were manageable.
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