Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Outlook sunny for the diagnosis of MS in Australia | White Spider ...

Previous studies have focused on people who have MS, said Dr. Lucas. In other words, it was not possible to work if the sun is low in vitamin D due to the disease was caused by the disorder.Associate Professor Lucas said the study showed, for the first time in a human population, the effects of sun exposure and vitamin D act independently of each other, each having a positive effect on reducing the risk of a first event.

Associate Professor Lucas said that many people who have symptoms that occur in a preliminary way in MS ? known as a first event ? will develop the disease. Ausimmune The study found that the risk of a first event was lower among people with higher sun exposure ? all their lives and in the months preceding the event, compared with people assigned the same age and sex and live in the same region of Australia.

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The Australian love affair with the great outdoors may have contributed to lower rates , according to a study by the Australian National University.

Further research should assess the exposure to sunlight and vitamin D for both the prevention of multiple sclerosis, he said.

The study is the first to examine sun exposure and vitamin D in people who had experienced a first event with the type of symptoms in MS.

Ausimmune The study, led by Associate Professor Robyn Lucas at the ANU College of Medicine, biology and environment, and involves researchers from across Australia, has found that people who spend more time in the sun and those with higher levels may be less likely to develop multiple sclerosis.


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