Sunday, May 22, 2011

Health And Fitness ? Smoking And Oral Health: Start Saying No To ...

Among the top bad habits that many people have learned to acquire, smoking is perhaps the worst. Most especially cigarette smoking. If having stained teeth is just the bad side effect of smoking, it would not have caused much concern in the medical field. But we all know that is not the only thing that we should be worried about. Smoking and oral health do not mix, because the result would be devastating to our health.

Stop smoking. That has always been the advice of doctors, and even dentists like Dr. Jonathan Hartley, as they believe that smoking brings nothing but diseases and ill comfort to the smoker. Although the most popular smoking related disease is cancer, research has shown that the disease that has caused the most number of fatalities among smokers is heart disease.

These health concerns are not a flight of fancy because these are all backed by scientific data from laboratory tests and studies. One study even showed that about 18 percent of smokers have a severe case of periodontis. Periodontis is a type of a disease of the gums, causing it to break down. Also smoking weakens our body?s immune system, making the? body less capable of defending itself against viruses and most diseases. These are just two examples of the many alarming statistics that just go against the habit of smoking.

One of the most feared forms of cancer, and again it can be caused by heavy smoking, is mouth cancer. This type of cancer is deadly simply because detecting it during its early stages of development is very hard. For this reason, dentists like Dr. Jonathan Hartley strongly suggest that we should visit our dentists on a more regular basis. Because the problem with most people is that they only go to the dentist when they start to feel pain or discomfort. Preventive dentistry can help us avoid most oral and dental diseases.

Now some of the less life threatening conditions brought about by smoking is bad breath and tooth discoloration. We all know someone who smokes and we can immediately tell if they are indeed heavy smokers if their breath smells or if they have severly stained teeth, mostly gray to black in color.

Should you want to finally quit smoking and to leave a more healthy lifestyle, dentists would probably recommend that you should brush and floss your teeth more often than the usual. This will prevent any further damage to the gums and teeth that might have already been caused by your smoking habit. Also, studies have shown that by brushing and flossing more often, these can help curb the desire to smoke.

Does smoking really provide more benefits to the smoker that he or she would totally ignore the facts and the data supporting the health hazards as stated by the medical professionals? There should be no reason why a person should smoke considering that the health problems related to it far outweigh any of smoking?s good points, if there are any to begin with. Dr. Jonathan Hartley and all the other dental practicioners continuously encourage people to stop smoking and to start their regular habit for a better dental and oral hygiene.


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